June 23, 1869 Wednesday

 June 23 Wednesday – Sam wrote from the Everett House in New York City to Livy’s mother, Olivia Lewis Langdon. Sam told Livy’s mother all was well with her daughter. He spent from 11 AM until 2 PM at the Brooks’ home [MTL 3: 268-9].

Sam also wrote to his sister, Pamela Moffett, letting her in on the offer Jervis had made in Hartford around the time of Alice Hooker’s wedding:

“I mean to go to Cleveland in a few days, to see what sort of an arrangement I can make with the Herald people. If they will take sixty thousand dollars for one-third of the paper, I know Mr. Langdon will buy it for me. This is strictly private—don’t mention my affairs to ANYbody.”

Sam also counseled his sister to take $30,000 for the Tennessee Land, as their mother was “growing old, & I do wish I could see her in liberal circumstances” [MTL 3: 270-3].

Sam also wrote Livy a letter, to be slid under the door at Mrs. Brooks’ house, relating the six-page letter he’d sent her mother.

I walked down to the St Nicholas Hotel at 6.30 this evening, but Charley hadn’t come, nor had he telegraphed for a room. And so, whether he comes to-night or not, I am going shopping with you to-morrow. If he comes, all right—we will both go with you….I have spent two hours in the Academy of Design, this afternoon, & I would have enjoyed it rarely if I had had company….It is a quarter after eleven, & I must hurry up to Mrs. Brooks’s’s [sic] with this. I shall call on you at 10 in the morning… [MTL 3: 273-5].



Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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