May 9, 1876 Tuesday 

May 9 Tuesday – No further Boston activities were found.

Mary (Mollie) B. Shoot  (stage name: Florence Wood) wrote from NYC, enclosing a playbill for her upcoming appearance there. She’d noticed Sam’s recent stage role:

      I saw in the “Herald” that you were a grand success as “Peter Spyk”. Pray accept my congratulations (though it is late in the day to offer them.)

      I suppose you will be adopting the stage for a profession ere long?

      I trust Mrs Clemens has recovered from her attack of “all the different kinds of ralgias”. … [MTPO]. Note: she also asked for a photo of Twain, who had written her but the letter is not extant.

Joe Twichell wrote, embarrassed by being handed a MS. by Dean Sage to read. Having no expertise in such matters he asked Twain to read “the thing through when you have a chance—today or tomorrow—so that you can tell me when I call what I’d better do” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.