December 23 Tuesday – Sam wrote two letters from Hartford to Charles Webster. Sam enclosed an advertisement by Estes & Lauriat of Boston for “Just ready” copies of HF, reduced from $2.75 to $2.25; Sam was infuriated.
Charley, if this is a lie, let Alexander & Green sue them for damages instantly. And if we have no chance at them in law, tell me at once & I will publish them as thieves & swindlers.
Hadn’t you better send 6 witness[es] to try to buy 3 copies each? Use their testimony. I think you better print the enclosed in fac simile of my handwriting, & put a copy in every canvassers hands [MTP]. Note: Slotta supposes someone working for Webster or the press of J.J. Little may have been “pilfering” copies, since 30,000 copies were already bound then [49].
The second to Webster was a one liner to sell the Western Union stock at 60 [MTP].