January 9, 1893 Monday

January 9 Monday – In Florence, Sam answered a “very charming letter” (not extant) from daughter Clara. He wanted to forward her letter to Ned Bunce, as he was sure he would enjoy it.

I would write you a letter, dear, but I am in a cold room & must hurry this & get it ready for the postman — I’ve got a pain under my shoulder blade which raises my temper pretty high, for I never can see any taste or propriety in such things. I do not say this sort of thing out loud, of course; because I’m afraid to, but by myself or in the dark I let my opinions come out pretty warm.

Sam added after his signature that he was enclosing 280 marks “to pay those music & milk bills with,” and that they wanted her “to keep up that milk.” He told of having “12 pups in a basket, & the mother dog is bigger than forty of them,” and asked her to remember them to “all the kin at 36 Mauerstrasse” where a ball would soon be held. He remembered the last one a year before and wished he could be there.

I know all about dancing, now — learned it out of a book [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.