June 4 Monday – Sam’s notebook: “Chapin 8. If coming send no telegram. / Send congratulations to Miss Mai Rogers 26 E 57th—cable about noon. / CHAPIN—Dinner 8 pm” [NB 43 TS 14]. Note: Robert and Adele Chapin; Robert was US Consul in Johannesburg during Sam’s 1896 tour there.
In London, England Sam wrote a postcard to Franklin G. Whitmore.
“Have written Bliss to stake you for taxes. We leave for Sweden July 5—for the summer—for J’s health. Sail for home October 6” [MTP]. Note: Bliss to pay Whitmore the property taxes on the Clemens’ Hartford home. The family did not return to Sweden as planned here but remained in England until Oct. They decided between this day and June 7, when Sam wrote of it on June 7 to Baldwin.
Mai Huttleston Rogers, Rogers’ youngest daughter, married William Robertson Coe, a N.Y. insurance broker [MTHHR 426n2]. Note: Sam sent a congratulatory cable (his NB entry above) but it is not extant.