Mark Twain Day by Day
An Annotated Chronology
Of the Life of Samuel L. Clemens
Volume Two (1886-1896)

David H. Fears
© 2009 David H Fears
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America
First Edition, volume two, first print run
ISBN # 0-9714868-3-2
ISBN13 : 978-0-9714868-3-6
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007927972
Published by Horizon Micro Publishing, LLC.
Books available through Amazon or directly from the publisher:
Horizon Micro Publishing, LLC
P.O. Box 266
Banks, OR 97106

  • 1. Day By Day Volume 2 Introductions


    Thanks to my wife, Kimberley for her love and support. Special thanks to Thomas A. Tenney for his continual support, anecdotes, materials, and advice. Special thanks to JoDee Benussi for sharing mountains of paper and extra books, for her continual patience while comparing entries and her exacting editing skills. Ms. Benussi has been a valuable and critical resource to this work. A good, snarky editor is a prize, especially one who nudges you where you don’t wish to go. If she had been paid what she is worth, I would be bankrupt.

  • 2. Day By Day Volume 2 Conventions Used

    † ­ With this volume the dagger designates this editor’s estimate of date or place. These may ultimately be confirmed or revised by future esearchers, and are solely this editor’s calculation or opinion. There may also be many sections where estimates are made from several sources and the dagger not used.

    ‡ – The double dagger designates in-text corrections made after the first print run; these are also listed in Addenda & Errata sections at the front of each volume after the first print run.

  • 3. Day by Day Volume 2 Additions and Corrections

    Note: Additions and corrections since the first print run in April, 2009. New material and corrections of old material are ongoing. This work is never “finished.” I wish to provide up to date information with each book sold. – D.H. Fears

    Spelling correction throughout: – Katharine I. Harrison, not “Katherine.” (applied in this print run.)

    March to May, 1886 – Sam wrote a sketch unpublished until 2009: “The Snow-Shovelers” [Who Is Mark Twain? xxiv]. See also MTNJ 3: 232&n18, 358&n186, 369&n217.

  • 4. End of Volume 2

    He was as shy as a newspaper is when referring to its own merits –FE ch 6

    “Classic.” A book which people praise and don’t read. –FE ch. 25

    There are two times in a man’s life when he should not speculate: when he can’t afford it, and when he can. –FE ch. 56

    There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice. –FE ch. 36

    Often, the surest way to convey misinformation is to tell the strict truth. –FE ch. 59

  • 5. Corrections from First Print Runs

    Note: First print runs often contain egregious errors and omissions. In the interest of historical accuracy, several errors have been corrected since the first print run of Vol. I, and, together with accumulated additions and notes, are summarized here; they are also included here Vol. II.

    Corrected spellings: “Wooley” has been changed to “Woolley,” both for Hartford undertakers and Hartford livery services. William T. Hamersley has been changed to William J. Hamersley (James). 

  • 6. Day By Day Volume 2 Reference Index

    Ahluwalia, Harsharan Singh. “Mark Twain in India.” Mark Twain Journal. 34.1 (1996): all.

    Albin, Craig. “Luck.” Mark Twain Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993.

    Allingham, Philip V. “Mark Twain in Winnipeg, Manitoba: July 26-28, 1895.” Mark Twain Journal 36.2 (1998): 2-12.

    Abshire, Janet L. “Snodgrass, Thomas Jefferson.” The Mark Twain Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993: 694.

  • DBD Volume II Index: B

    • B. Altman (Dry goods), 154, 174, 184, 185, 212, 213, 235
    • Babcock, W.H., 249, 577
    • Baboo English, Pub. by T. Fisher Unwin, 603
    • Bacheller & Co., 80, 83, 415
    • Bacheller, Addison Irving, 90, 95, 127, 128, 676, 967
      • Master of Silence, 80
    • Bachellor & Johnson Syndicate, 752, 967, 968, 969
    • Bachler, Franz, 678
    • Backus, Clara H., 688
    • Bacon, Steuben T., 111, 113
    • Bacon, William T.
  • DBD Volume II Index: D

    • D.A. Spear (Florist), 177
    • D.S. Brooks & Son (Furnaces), 184
    • d’Ache, Emmanuel Poire Carnan, 842
    • d’Angleterre Hotel, 947, 948, 949, 950, 951, 952
    • D’Arcy, H.A., 511, 512
    • D’Europe Hotel. Avignon, 653
    • d’Henzel, Adrien C., 400
    • Daggett, Rollin M., 8, 92, 192, 241
      • Upset at book delays, 286, 304, 557, 781
    • Daggett, W.H.H., 200
    • Dahlgren, Madeline Vinton, 571, 676
    • Dalby, Henry, 300
    • Dallas, Capt.
  • DBD Volume II Index: E

    • Earl of Galloway rape case, 425
    • Earll, Charles I. (Draftsman), 220, 337, 539
    • Earll, F.J., 506
    • Earnest, Caroline, 650
    • Earnest, Frank B., 513
    • East London Standard (S. Africa), 1154
    • East London, S. Africa, 1147, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1155
    • East, John, 1
    • Eastern Province Herald, 1156
    • Eastlake, Miss (actress), 150, 558
    • Eastman Photographic Material Co., Paris, 700
    • Eaton & Lewis, 315
    • Eaton, C. Harry, 478
    • Ebbitt House (Wash.
  • DBD Volume II Index: F

    • F. Schroeder (Mfg. Confectioner), 504
    • F.S. Faxton (Steamship), 1017
    • Fabian Society, 246
    • Fahnstock, Carolyn S., 775
    • Fahnstock, Carolyn S. Mrs., 704, 729, 754
    • Fairbanks, Abel W., 179, 181, 1015
      • Death of, 926, 928
    • Fairbanks, Charles M., 226, 515, 907
    • Fairbanks, Mary Mason, 25, 61, 102, 128, 147, 226, 228, 229, 333, 414, 515, 543, 616, 617, 677, 761, 790, 834, 891, 907, 926, 928, 973, 1015, 1202
    • Fairchild, Charles S., 511, 512, 927
    • Fairchild, Elisabeth N. (Mrs. Charles S.
  • DBD Volume II Index: H

    • H. & S.B. Ice Co., 184
    • H. O’Neill & Co. (N.Y. Importers), 266
    • H.C. Gas Co., 204
    • H.E. Patten (Cleaners/Furnaces), 173, 196, 216, 282, 293, 301
    • H.L. Hoyt & Co., 160
    • H.L. Oliver & Son, 204, 224
    • H.M. Smith & Co., 51, 117
    • H.M.S. Orlando, 1061, 1063
    • H.S. Pratt & Co.
  • DBD Volume II Index: J

    • J. Langdon & Co., 61, 101, 167, 198, 202, 208, 388, 397, 401, 449, 518, 526, 534, 779
    • J.G. Rathbun (Pharmacist), 153, 216, 242, 263, 285, 308, 460, 496, 511
    • J.J. Little & Co.,. See Joseph J. Little & Co.
    • J.J. Poole & Co. (Hartford coal dealer), 207, 285, 308, 618
    • J.M. Stoddart & Co., 157, 176, 177
    • J.O. Wright & Co., 218
    • J.P. Haynes (grocer), 154, 166, 177, 216
    • J.P. Morgan & Co., 310
    • J.S. Conover (tradesman), 139
    • Jackson family, 755, 831
    • Jackson, A.
  • DBD Volume II Index: K

    • Kahn, Sahadeath, 1120
    • Kaiser Wilhelm II (Steamship), 714, 769, 774, 775, 776, 777, 791, 792, 793
    • Kaiser William II, 683, 705
    • Kaiserhaus Hotel, 811
    • Kaiserhof Hotel, Bad Nauheim, 722, 723, 724, 726
    • Kaiser-i-Hind Hotel, Jaipur, India, 1123
    • Kalakaua, David (King), 72, 93, 182, 187, 192
    • Kalm, Lili, 123
    • Kanpur, India, 1119, 1120
    • Kaolatype, 75, 77, 155, 159, 375, 376, 378, 417, 760
    • Karr, William S, 746
    • Karr, William S.
  • DBD Volume II Index: L

    • L’Abbé Constantin by Ludovic Halevy, 562
    • La Bourboule, France, 920, 921, 922, 924, 925, 926
    • La Bourgogne (Steamship), 508
    • La Cossitt, Henry, 1204
    • La Gascogne (Steamship), 508, 685
    • La Voult, France, 651
    • Labadie-Lagrave, M., 977
    • Labouchère, Henry (Baron Taunton), 663, 667
    • Labouchère, Mary Lady, 359
    • Labully Hotel, 647
    • Lachalte, James, 705
    • LaCopitt, Jane A., 662
    • Lacy, John F., 109
    • Ladies Home Journal, 390, 606, 60
  • DBD Volume II Index: M

    • M.T.R.&G. Club, 669
    • Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1130
    • History of England, etc., 125, 126
    • MacDonald, Anna S., 481
    • MacDonald, George, 452, 459, 1211
    • MacDonald, Louise (Mrs. George MacDonald), 1211
    • MacDonald, Mary C., 296, 297, 298, 328, 347, 353, 399
    • Macdonald, T.H., 592, 593
    • MacFall, Frances Elizabeth.
  • DBD Volume II Index: N

    • N.Z. Observer and Free Lance, 1083
    • Nan, Henry, 347
    • Napier, N.Z., 1084, 1085
    • Nasby, Petroleum Vesuvius. See Locke, David Ross
    • Nashville College, 1211
    • Natal Mercury, 1137, 1139, 1151
    • Natal Witness, 1140, 1141
    • Nathan Hale Statue by Gerhardt, 23
    • Nation, The, 737, 767
    • National Album, The etc.
  • DBD Volume II Index: O

    • O’Bannon, Mr., 1033
    • O’Brien & Co., 296
    • O’Brien, Desmond, 460
    • O’Brien, William Desmond, 212
    • O’Connor, T.P. (Editor), 479, 559
    • O’Hagan, John, 769
    • O’Hagan, Thomas, 177
    • O’Meeghan, P., 1078
    • O’Neil, Ellen, 612, 708, 769, 1187
    • O’Neil, John, 139, 153, 165, 171, 182, 192, 202, 206, 215, 222, 230, 401, 407, 612, 619, 708, 751, 769, 774, 1180
    • O’Neill, James, 81
    • O’Reilly, Bernard, 38, 61, 73, 90
    • O’Reilly, John Boyle, 358
      • In Bohemia, 109
    • O’Rell, Max.
  • DBD Volume II Index: R

    • R.P. Kenyon & Co., N.Y., 472
    • Radical (London), 71
    • Ragsdale, Bill, 26
    • Ragtime (movie, inspiration for), 250
    • Raid and Reform By a Pretoria Prisoner by Dr. Alfred Hillier, 1165
    • Raid of the Russian Cruiser “Kaskowiski”, etc., The by David Luckie, 1083
    • Railway Club Theatre, Allahabad, 1109
    • Rainier Club, Seattle, 1043
    • Rainier Hotel, Seattle, 1043
    • Ralston, H.N.