August 8 Thursday – Sam telegraphed from Saybrook Point to Mollie Clemens, asking her to “stir up that infernal Steam Laundry” [MTL 5: 141]. He also sent Mollie a short note and a check for the E.C.C. Kellogg Co. for the prowler bell he’d ordered installed at the Forest Street Hartford house. “All well. I am going to England in a week from now” [MTL 5: 142]. Sam’s actual date of departure was Aug. 21, worked out with Joseph L. Blamire, New York agent for Routledge & Sons.
Bills paid: Hartford Steam Carpet Beating Establishment, “cleaning 10 yds. Carpet @ 6c ; .60”; W.B. Willard, flour & grain for $6.45 and $10 for bran oats [MTP].