Day By Day: Volume I

Sam Clemens


Mark Twain Day by Day
An Annotated Chronology
Of the Life of Samuel L. Clemens
Volume One (1835-1885)
Second Edition

David H. Fears
© 2008, 2014 David H Fears
All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper
Second Edition, volume one
First Printing 2013
ISBN # 0-9714868-2-4
ISBN13 : 978-0-9714868-2-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007927972

Published by Horizon Micro Publishing, LLC
Books available directly from the publisher:
Horizon Micro Publishers, LLC
P.O. Box 266
Banks, OR 97106;

Thanks to my wife, Kimberley for her love and support. Special thanks to Thomas A. Tenney for his continual support, anecdotes, and advice, to whom this 2nd edition volume is dedicated.

Dates: I have followed the conventions used by the University of California Press on the volumes of Mark Twain’s Letters, except I have added the day of the week. To wit:

October 5 Thursday – Sources indicate this is a confirmed date, or a deduced date from events or other evidence. Firm dates come before conjectured or circa dates and date ranges.

October 3? Tuesday – The question mark indicates a conjecture of October 3. Conjecture dates are listed separately.

Works Cited

Abshire, Janet L. “Snodgrass, Thomas Jefferson.” The Mark Twain Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993: 694.

Anderson, Frederick, et al, eds. Mark Twain’s Notebooks & Journals, Volume 1-3. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975-1979.

Anderson, Frederick and William M. Gibson and Henry Nash Smith, eds. Selected Mark Twain- Howells Letters 1872-1910. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1967.

Andrews, Kenneth R. Nook Farm – Mark Twain’s Hartford Circle. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1950.

The index of the second edition, Vol. I is organized alphabetically, not chronologically, and follows the standards set in Vols 2-4, first edition. The following have not been indexed: fictional characters, most newspaper articles and subheadings (especially from the San Francisco Call), all subjects of all letters, whether paraphrased, summarized, or quoted, as well as persons and places within autobiographical dictation summaries See AMT 1: for more on specifics. Not all subjects listed under Autobiographical Dictations have been indexed, but many have.

Mark Twain's Day By Day does not have an entry for this interval of years. This is an organizational placeholder.