October 30 Saturday – Sam telegraphed from Hartford to Frank Fuller in New York City, answering an invitation to speak at another political meeting, this one on Sunday.
“I have no superstitions about sunday myself but I would not preside at a political meeting on sunday for it would be certain to injure the cause you must get a man whose religious reputation is better than mine” [MTLE 5: 188].
Sam also wrote from Hartford to Howells about the proposed treaty, which might answer for international copyright protection. Sam was against it because he felt it would only benefit a “dozen American authors a few dollars a year” and that all the “real advantages all go to English authors & Ameican publishers” [MTLE 5: 189].
Board of Water Commissioners, Hartford, billed $34, “from May 1, 1880 to November 1, 1880 @ 48 per annum” [MTP]. The Oct. 31 bill from Western Union shows a telegram sent to New York, recipient unspecified (see Oct. 31 entry).