March 11 Saturday – Arnold, Constable & Co., New York, billed Sam $19.78 for “blankets, gloves, lace, ruffling”; paid Mar. 16 [MTP].
James R. Osgood wrote (Edward B. Dickinson to Osgood Mar. 10 enclosed): “You see by the enclosed that Dickinson cannot go. I have written asking him if he can recommend any one” [MTP]. Note: Sam was looking for a stenographer to go on the Miss. River trip.
** Frederick T. Frelinghuysen wrote to General Grant that it was not their intention to make a change in the Consulate at Toronto; the letter here forwarded by Grant to Clemens [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Directed by General U.S. Grant. Enclosure, an autograph note from the Secretary of State.”
March 11 Saturday ca. – Sam returned home to Hartford. William Dean Howells traveled with him on the same train; Livy met Sam with the family carriage at the Hartford Station; Howells went on to Boston [MTHL 1:395]. (See Howells to Sam Mar. 15.)