March 25, 1886 Thursday

March 25 Thursday – Sam continued his business stop in New York City.

A typesetting tournament began in Philadelphia on Mar. 16. Sam made an entry in his notebook on this day’s results for Joseph McCann of the New York Herald, and William C. Barnes of the New York World [MTNJ 3: 223]. See Mar. 27 entry for results.

Stephen A. Hubbard for the Hartford Courant wrote to Sam, asking if he’d be at the sale of pews from the Asylum Hill Congregational Church next Tuesday evening [Mar. 30]. Could they sell the pew he’d used for the last year, at a fixed price of $150? The funds would go to benefit Joe Twichell, who struggled by on a salary, drawn in advance of “$375 or so.” Hubbard spoke in confidence. Sam wrote on the envelope: “Yes — take the pew. 2. Count us in” [MTP].

C.B. [R?] Plummer, lecturer wrote to Sam from Lowell, Mass. A message Plummer sent had gone awry, the messenger mistaking a “7” for a “9” and leaving Plummer’s note at the wrong house. Plummer wrote he’d visited Hartford for the first time in 31 years.

I watched my chance and took a walk out on Farmington Av. And found you out. I only felt a marked wane in the joyous anticipation I had of meeting you and exchanging Alkilies and sage remarks. By invitation of your Ferguson who recognized me — he said you had my photo — I stepp’d in and rested a few minutes before traveling W:. to E:. again in search of further light in Spondulicksasity. I saw your darling little ones who came in with whom I supposed to be their teachers while I was resting The little one had the nerve to come by my invitation and give me her little hand and shyly lisp her name to me. Most children require about 30 d. to become familiar with the dips, spins and angles of my features before they dare do it. Well we may meet after all [MTP]. Note: Plummer also mentions arguing with Joe Goodman just after Sam’s lecture in Virginia City.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.