July 17, 1886 Saturday

July 17 Saturday – In Elmira Sam wrote a short note to Charles M. Underhill, responding that they would visit the Clemenses in Hartford “by & by, & let us get even on you,” which suggests a visit had been recently made to the Underhill family, and a visit would be expected after the summer in Elmira. Sam added a note about having a recent visit from the Slee family [MTP]. Note: Underhill, a Buffalo resident, was a partner and “Western Manager” for the J. Langdon & Co., thus was well acquainted with John D. Slee. The visit that Underhill now “owed” was probably due to a visit by the Clemenses in Buffalo before sailing on the Great Lakes. No incoming from Underhill prior to this note is listed, yet Sam’s note suggests one, so it must be lost.

Sam also wrote to George H. Warner, again responding to correspondence not extant. Sam thanked him for his efforts to secure some land (unspecified) but Sam felt it was $1,500 too high, and so would wait. Warner had also facilitated a rug sent to Elmira. Sam referred to another rug George had noted was available:

If that $36-rug is as wide as this one, & 7½ or 8 feet long, please order it sent to the same address here. It is wanted for a sofa [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore about the typesetter, American Exchange stock and American Bank Note stock. On the Paige machine:

My idea is to have the type-setter going constantly in New York, every day & all day long; & have all the matter preserved, so that nobody can find fault with the test [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.