April 14, 1891 Tuesday

April 14 Tuesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall, stressing that the news he was giving was to be kept to himself.

…we are going to Europe in June, for an indefinite stay. We shall sell the horses & shut up the house. We wish to provide a place for our coachman [Patrick McAleer] who has been with us 21 years, & is sober, active, diligent, & unusually bright & capable [MTP].

Note: Sam thought Patrick might be able to learn the job in the packing room of Webster & Co., though there was a “colored man” whom Hall had mentioned he might hire.

Raymond Blathwayt wrote to Sam on Century stationery. Blathwayt was writing a series of interviews for the London Pall Mall Gazette and wished a conversation with Sam [MTP].

Joel Benton wrote in a very shaky hand from New York to Sam, asking for “a brief letter” he might use in the writing of the life of P.T. Barnum [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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