July 17 Tuesday – In New York Sam wrote on Players Club stationery to Livy. He’d deposited money, he thought $100, with Drexel Harjes in Paris to cover money that daughter Clara mislaid. The balance of the letter related the Rogers family’s grief over the loss of Abbie Gifford Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers). The tumor they removed was as big as a man’s fist; the young mother had made a few arrangements, writing a cablegram to her daughter Cara Rogers Duff, that the operation had been successful; she’d also paid some bills. She never rallied after the surgery.
Mr. Rogers says his hardest time is when he gets up every morning — for, coming out of sleep he is expecting to see her, & then comes the daily shock & the new realization. Let us be spared this my darling. May we die together. / Saml [LLMT 304].