July 14 Friday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “After the Fall”—Mr. Clemens read tonight and Eve sums up all the reasons why she could love Adam, but doesn’t. It’s something else. It’s because he’s hers, dear little Eve.
Tonight at dinner Mr. Clemens talked about Mahommed [sic] and the wonder of him
Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Wrote Mr. Duneka, suggesting that the word ‘Damn’ be struck from the title of You’re a Damnfool Mary, you always was” [MTP TS 23].
Harmony Twichell (Mrs. Joseph H. Twichell) wrote to Sam. “Dear Mark—/ My deepest thought or desire is to be silent, for what can I say! / From being under a burden—which we could carry—we are free!” [MTP].
Tonight at dinner Mr. Clemens talked about Mahommed [sic] and the wonder of him
Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Wrote Mr. Duneka, suggesting that the word ‘Damn’ be struck from the title of You’re a Damnfool Mary, you always was” [MTP TS 23].
Harmony Twichell (Mrs. Joseph H. Twichell) wrote to Sam. “Dear Mark—/ My deepest thought or desire is to be silent, for what can I say! / From being under a burden—which we could carry—we are free!” [MTP].
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