February 26 Monday – Howells had agreed to come for a visit, but his wife could not make the trip. Sam wrote a postcard that he’d meet him “at the station about 2.30, PM, March 3.” Sam mentioned a “project” he had in mind for a “summer’s holiday” if Howells could go with him, and a “little short Atlantic article” which he didn’t think Howells dared to print, but would “send it for inspection by & by” [MTLE 2: 33]. Note: It’s not clear whether Howells made the trip, since Sam traveled to Boston where he wrote Livy on Feb. 11 after being there at least since Feb. 9. (See Mar. 11 entry.)
Jane Clemens wrote to thank Sam and Livy for two drafts which she’d cashed. A cold winter with lots of snow, a scrap book Livy sent, interesting things from Annie’s baby, love to all and a PS that Col. Smith of Buffalo “is coming here to live. Write when you can” [MTP].