December 4, 1888 Tuesday

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December 4 Tuesday – In Hartford Livy wrote to Grace King, “delighted” in King’s two letters. Livy’s letter reflects the close friendship established between Livy and Sam and King. Livy related Thanksgiving with the Cranes, and Theo’s ups and downs of mood. She also wrote that Annie Webster, Sam’s niece was “now with us and is to be for a few days.” King was now staying with one of her sisters.

December 3, 1888 Monday

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December 3 Monday – The German class met at the Clemens home and Livy wrote, “Mr Clemens did not retire to the billiard room. I think that speaks well for Miss Corey” [Livy to King Dec. 4].

Emily I. Maurer wrote from N.Y. “to settle a discussion,” what was the origin of his name? [MTP].

December 1, 1888 Saturday

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December 1 Saturday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Augustin Daly that the family had company coming Tuesday (Dec. 4) and there was “sickness already in the house” and so regretted being unable to attend the first of “the subscription nights” performance, which implies Sam had purchased or was given seats to several dramas at Daly’s theater for the season.

I write you in order that you may not leave our seats empty & looking like lost teeth in a handsome jaw [MTP].

December 1888

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December – Personal Memoirs of P.H. Sheridan issued this month, with great hopes for sales which were not realized [MTNJ 3: 395].

November 30, 1888 Friday

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November 30 Friday– Sam’s 52nd Birthday. In Hartford Sam responded to a gift (probably of tickets) from Augustin Daly.

I have always avoided the Moody & Sankey revivals, but this kind is just in my line. Mrs. Clemens & I thank you most sincerely.

Sam also sent a one-liner to James B. Pond:

Dear Pond — She can’t read. Ys Ever / Mark

November 28, 1888 Wednesday

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November 28 Wednesday – Grace King left Hartford for Baltimore. For the prior three weeks she had been staying with the Charles Dudley Warner family [MTNJ 3: 434n90]. Theodore and Susan L. Crane arrived at the Clemens home for a short stay and to share Thanksgiving celebrations [Livy to Grace King Dec. 4].

The New York Press Club billed Sam $3 for dues to Dec. 1, 1888 [MTP].

November 27, 1888 Tuesday

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November 27 Tuesday – Livy’s 43rd birthday – Livy wrote of the day:

I had a very pleasant birthday the children fixed me a very pretty table with flowers and their gifts and we had an exceedingly good time

Sam wrote the following note, perhaps with a gift:

Livy darling, I am grateful — gratefuller than ever before — that you were born, & that your love is mine & our two lives woven & welded together! SLC [LLMT 251].

November 26, 1888 Monday

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November 26 Monday – Sam took Grace King to visit Smith College in Northhampton, Mass., where he evidently gave a reading. A list in his notebook for Smith included items for his talk/reading: Brer Rabbit, Golden Arm, Whistling story, Christening story, Browning’s Horse-race. In a letter the following day to her sister Nan, King described the trip to the railroad station: