August 1 Wednesday – Sam’s notebook: “Postcard from Bigelow. Apparently he has gone to Germany without attending to the Hadleyburg dramatic business” [NB 43 TS 23].
At Dollis Hill in London, England Sam wrote to William Dean Howells.
“I read the Difficult Situation [sic] night before last, & got a world of evil joy out of it.
“I’ve cut out the enclosed for you. It will help you to understand the Divine Love, which is a Daisy. /Ys ever” [MTHL 2: 719]. Note: Howells’ “A Difficult Case” ran in the Atlantic for July (p. 24-36) and August (p. 205-217); see source n.2. The enclosure is not extant.
Sam also wrote a postcard to John Y. MacAlister that he expected to be “‘fit’” in a day or two and would look in on him. “I can walk now, after a fashion” [MTP]. Note: Sam had suffered from gout in his left foot.