A Restless Type Setter

Samuel L. Clemens, as a young man, Seeks his Fortune in New York

Sam Clemens departs his childhood home of Hannibal, Missouri and attempts to support himself as a type setter.  His travels take him to New York City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. then back to Hannibal, Keokuk and Muscatine.  He eventually finds his way to Cincinnati, Ohio  where a new phase in his life is to begin on the Mississippi River

This may not be Sam's first departure from home. David Fears reports that in the summer of 1845 Sam stowed away on a steamboat headed south. He was found by a crew member and put ashore thirty miles down river, at the town of Louisiana, Mo. There he spent the night with Lampton relatives. The next day they returned him home.

May 26, 1853 Thursday– Sam was thinking about leaving Hannibal by this time, and New York may have already been his desired destination, but he spoke only of St. Louis to his mother.

Sometime in the first two weeks of June 1853, Samuel L. Clemens (aged seventeen) left his home and family in Hannibal, Missouri, for the first time, stopping initially in St. Louis and then going on to New York City, supporting himself as a journeyman printer in both places. Precisely when Clemens boarded the regular evening packet for St. Louis is not known: in his autobiography he said simply that he “disappeared one night and fled to St. Louis” . On 26 October 1853, however, he mentioned that he had first departed Hannibal “more than four months ago” . Since it would have been exactly four months on that day if he had left Hannibal on 26 June, Clemens himself seems to place his departure in the early weeks of that month.

"Editorial narrative preceding 24 August 1853 to Jane Lampton Clemens".

August 19 to 24, 1853– At 8 AM, Friday Sam boarded a boat and started a journey by train and boat to New York. He did not tell his mother about the trip, which took about five days. From St. Louis to Alton, Ill, Springfield, Bloomington, Ind., LaSalle, Chicago, Monroe, Michigan on the Northern Indiana and Michigan Southern railroads. In his letter he wrote he traveled from Chicago to Monroe, Michigan, across Lake Erie to Buffalo, then to Albany and New York. Sam arrived in New York City at 5 AM with “two or three dollars in his pocket and a ten-dollar bill concealed in the lining of his coat”.
