To The Person Sitting in Darkness


Return to the US until Livy's death and another return to the US.

Was this when Americas was great?  See America at the Turn of the Century: A Look at the Historical Context, an article published by the Library of Congress from their collection of The Life of a City: Early Films of New York, 1898 to 1906.

Soon after his return, Mark Twain began to take an active part in the campaign begun by “anti-imperialists” — including Howells and William James— in protest against the policies of the United States, Great Britain, and other powers in the Philippines, South Africa, and China. Introducing Mark Twain at a Lotos Club dinner on 10 November 1900, Howells expressed a hope that the humorist might become the satirist-interpreter of his county. No one else has ever been “so fully in the joke of us,” said Howells, “and at no other time in our national life have we been a greater joke or more needed interpretation.” In reply, Mark Twain praised the “righteous war” that had freed Cuba, but deprecated the miscarriage of good intentions in the Philippines (“Mark Twain,’ New York Times Saturday Review of Books and Art, 17 November, p- 789).