July 10 Thursday – Sam wrote a short note from London to Elisha Bliss:
“Publish if you want to [the Herald letters], or leave it alone, just as seems best. I am tired of the Shah & shall not write any more” [MTL 5: 413].
July 10? Thursday – Sam and Livy had returned to London by this day. Sam wrote to Charles Dudley Warner about how Colonel Sellers (The Gilded Age) was to be drawn. Sam also had plans to “prowl through rural England” with Joaquin Miller but “Livy & I will ‘do’ Scotland first.”
Livy says—& I endorse it—that you cannot have our mother at any price—but you can have an interest in her for nothing—which is cheap enough. But if you want to negotiate for our baby, any proposition (addressed to me) will meet with prompt attention. I am offered two twins & a cow by an English gentleman in Stratford on Avon with whose family we have been staying a day or two, & I am ready to trade but Livy continues to consider & is a good deal of an obstruction [MTL 5: 411].