June 3, 1884 Tuesday

June 3 Tuesday – Annie M. Barnes for Acanthus Magazine wrote to Sam; a begging letter asking his autograph on a blank check so she might fund her printing office [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “This offers me beggar again”

Hattie J. Gerhardt wrote to Clemens & Livy, two photos enclosed.

We are so nicely here now in the family of an ancient Prof.—I can not exactly saying boarding because we are more at home: and every morning from 6 to 8—French lessons & as Mr. Grit is quite severe, I hope to make great progress. Just now I am trying to commit to memory the first book of “Telemaque” and also have three French exercises to write besides verbs. … Baby is growing very fast and has eight little teeth and tries to outdo the children in talking—we are quite delighted with our two dozen photographs which Maison Hautecour sent us free—Karl agrees with you that the little “Eve” is not idealized quite enough but if he has an offer liberal enough to allow him to cut in Marble he will remedy all that [MTP]. Note: The Adventures of Telemachus is a didactic French novel by Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai. It was published anonymously in 1699 and reissued in 1717 by his family.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.