Possible Itinerary from Journal

From Notebooks and Journals Vol II (pp 59-61):
Hotel de l'Europe on the Alster Basin -- or Hotel de Russe
Altona 5m from Hamburg
Alt Markt (old houses)
The Bourse (biggest in Europe)
Zoological Garden. Dine there in Pavilion
Lubec -- 1 1/2 hour from Hamburg
Copenhagen is 12 hours from Lubec by steamer
Then back by rail, Xing Great Belt by water-ferry.

The 2 streets of prostitutes on plate-glass exhibition in Hamburg
Ancient costumes and carriages remain in Hamburg -- not to be seen elsewhere
Hamburg old fashioned, and thoroughly German

Mighty nice steamer with excellent living, from Copenhagen to Christiana, Norway. Steamer calls at Gottenberg on the way. (Twenty four hour voyage.) Nowhere in the world where living is so good as on that steamer.

Upsala in Sweden

Go down from Christiana to Frederichshal and take wagon 20 miles to the beginning of the Dalsland Canal and take little steamer around into Lake Werner -- delicious living on steamer -- perfectly lovely trip. Very few people go. . You pass through Lake Werner and this steamer lands you at Gottenburg where you take your original steamer back to Copenhagen.
Prettiest trip in all the world.

Then to Hamburg by rail from Copenhagen if you choose.

Or, go from Lake Werner by canal to Stockholm, a lovely trip -- then by rail to Malma and thence to Copenhagen by boat.

Hotel Rydberg in Stockholm.

This town is a Venice with penny steamers instead of gondolas -- Very gay city.
Dine at the Deer park.

Live in Frankfort-on-the-Main, not Dresden. Frankfort is central, old, picturesque, wholly German, filled with interest -- is near the Rhine, Heidelberg, Switzerland, etc -- Dresden is away off yonder, near to nothing.

Go from Hamburg to Cologne by rail -- then to Frankfort by water (Rhine)/

In the freshness of May go up the Rhine -- don't wait later, for then the boats are crowded.

Cologne, Mainz (fresh) and Coblentz should be seen and Heidelberg.

A very short trip.

A great think to do, is to stop at Bingen on the Rhine in May -- then. at day-dawn, go down the bank of the river (walk) 3 miles, then you will see the castle of Konigsberg on the hill overhead -- walk up to it through woods by a zig-zag path. It belongs to crown prince of Germany who has restored to its middle-age state and one can see perfectly what a medieval fortress was in middle ages when ready for service and occupation.

Then come down to river and get man to row you across, where is an old ruin and fine river vista-views -- young girl will drive your donkey and act as guide.

Then go south on the donkey to Rudesheim and get drunk on real Rudesheim.

Then recross in boat to Bingen.