
A railroad is like a lie -- you have to keep building to it to make it stand. A railroad is a ravenous destroyer of towns, unless those towns are put at the end of it and a sea beyond, so that you can't go further and find another terminus. And it is shaky trusting them, even then, for there is no telling what may be done with trestle-work.
Letter to the San Francisco Alta California, printed May 26, 1867

Albany and Vermont RR

This is Waterford’s present double-tracked main line and runs from Albany through West Waterford to the Waterford Junction, being only twelve miles in length. It was incorporated on February 20, 1851 as the Albany Northern and being constructed during 1851-1852 then ran from Albany to Eagle Bridge, N.Y. In 1853 it crossed the Hudson River near the old Red, White and Blue House a full three miles from Waterford. It is now the Albany and Vermont Railroad incorporated on October 6, 1899. The Albany & Vermont was leased to the Rensselaer & Saratoga R.R.

Allegheny Valley RR

The current company, established in 1992 is a separate entity from the original Allegheny Valley Railroad, which was established in the 1850s. That line, affiliated with the Pennsylvania Railroad system, followed the present company's tracks to Arnold and continued beyond, along the right upstream (southeastern) bank of the river to Oil City.

Alton and East St. Louis RR

It was at this juncture that Mr. John J. Mitchell, a warm friend and supporter of the Chicago and Alton interests, offered to build an independent road from Alton to East St. Louis, provided that the Chicago and Alton, on completion of the road, merge the franchises of the Alton and St. Louis charter, obtained in 1850, then owned and controlled by Mr. John J. Mitchell, with their own. The proposition was accepted, and during the winter of 1864 trains of the Chicago and Alton Railroad were running to East St. Louis, and terminating there on valuable depot grounds, obtained by Mr.

Alton and Sangamon Railroad

The first railroad built in Madison County was the Chicago & Alton – first known as the Alton & Sangamon or Alton & Springfield. The railroad was spearheaded by Captain Benjamin Godfrey and other Alton businessmen such as Cyrus Edwards, Simeon Ryder, S. Griggs, and Robert Ferguson. Planning stages began in December 1838, and the charter was issued February 27, 1847. Construction began in February 1850, and was completed from Alton to Springfield in 1852. Benjamin Godfrey lived in a railcar, and followed the work as it progressed.

Ashland Line

In May, 1893, the General Court gave to the Natick Street Railway authorization to extend its line to and through Ashland, subject to what ever restrictions might be imposed by the selectmen. This involved no outstanding investment on the part of the Ashland residents, and the Natick line, later called the South Middlesex Street Railway Company, laid down new trackage which connected Ashland with Sherbom , Natick and Framingham. Before the end of 1893 much of this new service was available .

Bald Eagle Valley Railroad

The “Bald Eagle Valley railroad company” was a successor in reorganization to the “Tyrone and Lock Haven railroad company’, which was incorporated early in 1857 to build a line connecting the Pennsylvania at Tyrone with the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad* at Lock Haven, Pa., a distance of some 54 miles. The road completed by the predecessor company was 4.2 miles, from Snow Shoe Intersection to Milesburg and from Milesburg to Bellefonte, Pa.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (reporting mark BO) was the first common carrier railroad and the oldest railroad in the United States with its first section opening in 1830. Merchants from Baltimore, which had benefited to some extent from the construction of the National Road early in the century, wanted to do business with settlers crossing the Appalachian Mountains.

Boston and Maine RR

The Boston and Maine Railroad was chartered in New Hampshire on June 27, 1835, and the Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts Railroad was incorporated March 12, 1839, in Maine, both companies continuing the proposed line to South Berwick, Maine. The railroad opened in 1840 to Exeter, New Hampshire, and on January 1, 1842, the two companies merged with the Boston and Portland to form a new Boston and Maine Railroad.


Buffalo and Erie RR

The Buffalo and State Line Railroad was incorporated October 13, 1849, and opened January 1, 1852, from Dunkirk, New York, west to Pennsylvania. The rest of the line from Dunkirk to Buffalo opened on February 22. The Erie and North East Railroad was chartered April 12, 1842, to build the part from the state line west to Erie, and opened on January 19, 1852.

Buffalo, New York and Erie RR

Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad  Original Main Line  Erie Main Line at Corning  to Buffalo 41.6 miles (66.9 km)

Leased 1863 -  Created during the Erie's bankruptcy in 1858. Took over the Buffalo and New York City from Attica to Buffalo in 1859. Acquired the Buffalo, Corning and New York Railroad the same year and connected the two lines.

Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Lewiston Railroad

The Buffalo & Niagara Falls Railroad began operating in 1845. The 28 mile trip from Buffalo to Niagara Falls was a three hour journey being pulled by a wood stoked steam locomotive.

In 1852, the Buffalo & Niagara Falls Railroad relocated their tracks to the west side of the Erie Canal.

On December 22nd 1853, the Buffalo & Niagara Falls Railroad was leased to the New York Central Railroad.

On April 23rd 1869, the New York Central Railroad began operations within the Niagara escarpment.

Camden and Amboy

The New Jersey Legislature chartered the Camden and Amboy Rail Road and Transportation Company (C&A) in February 1830. This was the first railroad in New Jersey and the third in the United States. The C&A's corporate architect, first president and chief engineer was Robert L. Stevens (1787–1856), who was also the country’s leading builder of steamboats. The new railroad and its sister entity, the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company, were created to service a heavily traveled passenger and freight route across New Jersey.

Chicago and North Western RR

The Chicago and North Western Railway was chartered on June 7, 1859, five days after it purchased the assets of the bankrupt Chicago, St. Paul and Fond du Lac Railroad. On February 15, 1865, it merged with the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad, which had been chartered on January 16, 1836. Since the Galena & Chicago Union started operating in December 1848, and the Fond du Lac railroad started in March 1855, the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad is considered to be the origin of the North Western railroad system.

Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland Railroad

The railroad of The Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland Rail Road Company, herein called the Cincinnati Sandusky and Cleveland, is a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in the central part of Ohio. The owned mileage extends northerly from Dayton to Sandusky, 154,416[sic] miles, with a branch 15.373 miles in length extending north westerly from Carey to Findlay. The total length of the main line and branch is 169.789 miles. This company also owns yard and side tracks totaling 69.779 miles.

Cleveland and Pittsburgh RR

The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad was chartered in 1836, due to public support in building a railroad line between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Construction of the line was completed in 1852, with additional branch lines to Akron, Ohio, and Wheeling, West Virginia. In 1871, the C&P was leased to the Pennsylvania Railroad for a 999 year lease, thus, giving the PRR access to Cleveland.

Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati RR

The Akron Branch of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Company. By special act of Ohio Legislature, Feb. 19, 1851. Name changed to Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati Railroad Company, Mar. 17, 1853.

Sold Dec. 23, 1864, under foreclosure proceedings, to George W. Cass and John J. Marvin, by whom conveyed to the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago by deed dated July 1, 1865. Sold by the latter to 9, on Nov. 4, 1869.

Columbus, Springfield and Cincinnati Railroad

 In July 1870, it became the Columbus, Springfield & Cincinnati Railroad when the Cincinnati, Sandusky & Cleveland Railroad reached an agreement on a lease for 99 years. The Columbus, Springfield & Cincinnati was the successor to Springfield & Columbus Railroad again.


In 1889 this would be part of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St Louis Railroad.

Dayton and Michigan RR

Location and General Description of Property[edit]

The railroad of the Dayton and Michigan Railroad Company, hereinafter called the Dayton and Michigan, is located entirely within the State of Ohio and extends from Third Street, Dayton, northerly to Toledo, a distance of 139.966 miles, with 13.988 miles of second main track. This property forms a part of a through route from Cincinnati to Toledo.

Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad

The DGH&M was formed from the ruin of Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, a successor road to the Detroit and Pontiac Railroad, one of the first roads organized in the state of Michigan. The Great Western Railway, a Canadian company, had taken financial control of the D&M in 1860 after it defaulted on debt payments. The D&M entered receivership in 1875; in 1878 Great Western purchased it outright and refinanced the debts.

Erie and Pittsburgh Railroad

In 1856 a new charter was obtained under the name of the Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad. In 1859 the track was completed through Crawford County to Jamestown, which remained the terminus from the north until 1864. Work was also progressing from the direction of New Castle. The first freight train arrived at Sharon from the south October 11, 1863, and the first passenger train the 4th of the following January. The line was finished through Mercer County during 1864, and the company advertised to run regular trains from Erie to New Castle after October 31, 1864.

Erie Railroad

Erie Railway: 1861–1878[edit]

In August 1859, the company went into receivership due to inability to make payments on the debts incurred for the large costs of building, and, on June 25, 1861, it was reorganized as the Erie Railway.

Florida East Coast Railway

When [Henry] Flagler first visited Florida in 1878, he recognized the state's potential for growth but noticed a lack of hotel facilities. Flagler returned to Florida and in 1885 with an eye toward developing the area around St. Augustine and began building a grand hotel, the Hotel Ponce de Leon. Flagler realized that the key to developing Florida was a solid transportation system and consequently purchased the Jacksonville, St. Augustine & Halifax Railroad.

Galena and Chicago Union RR

The first railroad constructed out of Chicago, the Galena and Chicago Union, was chartered on January 16, 1836, to connect Chicago with the lead mines at Galena, a year before the city of Chicago was incorporated. "The Pioneer," the first locomotive on the road, arrived at Chicago on October 10, 1848, nearly thirteen years after the charter was granted. In 1850, the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad was completed as far as Elgin.

Hudson River RR

The Troy and Greenbush Railroad was chartered in 1845 and opened later that year, connecting Troy south to Greenbush (now Rensselaer) on the east side of the Hudson River. The Hudson River Railroad was chartered on May 12, 1846, to extend this line south to New York City; the full line opened on October 3, 1851. Prior to completion, on June 1, it leased the Troy and Greenbush.

Cornelius Vanderbilt obtained control of the Hudson River Railroad in 1864, soon after he bought the parallel New York and Harlem Railroad.

Iowa Central

When coal was discovered in the vicinity of Eldora the problem of cheap transportation became of paramount importance. This led to the formation of the Eldora Railroad and Coal Company on February 7, 1866, to build a railway to Ackley, sixteen miles north. At Ackley the Eldora road would connect with the east-west road which is now the Illinois Central. By July, 1868, the new road was completed, but its connection with the outside world was not entirely satisfactory.

Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad

Though begun independently, this became one of the first and longest Michigan Central branch lines when it was taken over by the MC in 1871. By 1903, almost all directors were MC appointees. The road, 295 miles in length, also had branchlines to Twin Lakes (Lewiston) and Gladwin.

Chartered: 1864

From: Lansing & Jackson Railroad (1865), Amboy, Lansing & Traverse Bay from Lansing north (1866)

Completed from Jackson to Mackinaw City in 1881.

Lackawanna and Western Railroad

The "Leggett's Gap Railroad" was incorporated on April 7, 1832, but stayed dormant for many years. It was chartered on March 14, 1849, and organized on January 2, 1850. On April 14, 1851, its name was changed to the "Lackawanna and Western Railroad". The line, running north from Scranton, Pennsylvania, to Great Bend, just south of the New York state line, opened on December 20, 1851.

Lafayette and Indianapolis RR

Built by the Lafayette and Indianapolis Railroad in 1850. Over the years and due to mergers, the line was owned by a number of railroads during its operation:

  • Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Lafayette Railroad, 1867
  • Cincinnati, Chicago and St Louis Railroad, 1880
  • Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St Louis Railroad (the Big Four), 1889
  • New York Central Railroad, 1930
  • Penn Central Railroad, 1968
  • Conrail, 1976

The line hosted Abraham Lincoln's inaugural train in 1861 and his funeral train in 1865.

Lakeshore and Michigan Southern RR

In October 1867, the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula Railroad leased the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad. The CP&A changed its name to the Lake Shore Railway on March 31, 1868, and on February 11, 1869, the Lake Shore absorbed the Cleveland and Toledo. On April 6 the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad and Lake Shore merged to form the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway, which absorbed the Buffalo and Erie Railroad on June 22, giving one company the whole route from Buffalo to Chicago. 

Little Miami RR

Leased to the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St Louis Company, November 1869.

Mr. H. J. Jewett, president of the Little Miami Railroad, spoke as follows in the Annual Report of the Little Miami Railroad for the year ended November 30, 1869:

Michigan Central RR

The Michigan Central railroad was created primarily by Boston capitalists for the purpose of purchasing the "Central" line from the State of Michigan. See "Central" line. In the late 1830's, the state had invested in several public works projects consisting of new railroads and canals. The "central" project was one of these. Though more successful than the other public works projects, the state decided to exit these projects and this line, radiating west from Detroit was sold to the Michigan Central.

Minneapolis and St Louis Railroad

The Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway was created on May 26, 1870 by a group of Minnesota investors interested in establishing a railroad connection between Minneapolis and the agricultural regions to the south. Minneapolis was home to the largest flour milling operations in the country at that time. Wheat was the primary commodity grown in southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa.

New Westminster and Southern Railway

The north-south Puget Sound railroad route, long awaited and dreamed of, finally forged ahead in 1890 when James J. Hill (1838-1916) purchased the New Westminster and Southern Railway. That same year he created the Seattle & Montana Railroad to be the second section of the three divisions set up by Hill's backers on the north-south route. Hill purchased the Fairhaven & Southern Railroad that ran from Bellingham Bay to the Canadian border (originally built by Nelson Bennett), and extended it to Burlington where it met the Seattle & Montana.

New York and Erie RR

The New York and Erie Rail Road was chartered on April 24, 1832, by Governor of New York Enos T. Throop to connect the Hudson River at Piermont, north of New York City, west to Lake Erie at Dunkirk. On February 16, 1841, the railroad was authorized to cross into the northeast corner of Pennsylvania on the west side of the Delaware River, a few miles west of Port Jervis, NY, as the east side was already occupied by the Delaware and Hudson Canal to a point several miles west of Lackawaxen, PA.

New York and New Haven RR

The New York and New Haven Railroad (NY&NH) was a railroad connecting New York City to New Haven, Connecticut, along the shore of Long Island Sound. It opened in 1849, and in 1872 it merged with the Hartford & New Haven Railroad to form the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. 


New York Central and Hudson River RR

In 1867, Cornelius Vanderbilt acquired control of the Albany to Buffalo-running NYC, with the help of maneuverings related to the Hudson River Bridge in Albany. On November 1, 1869, he merged the NYC with his Hudson River Railroad to form the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. This extended the system south from Albany along the east bank of the Hudson River to New York City, with the leased Troy and Greenbush Railroad running from Albany north to Troy.

New York Central Railroad

Albany industrialist and Mohawk Valley Railroad owner Erastus Corning managed to unite the Albany and Schenectady Railroad, the Utica and Schenectady Railroad, the Syracuse and Utica Railroad, the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad, the Buffalo and Rochester Railroad, the  Schenectady and Troy Railroad, the L

New York, New Haven and Hartford RR

The Hartford and New Haven merged with the New York and New Haven Railroad in 1872, forming the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad (the New Haven). For the next 90 years, the route remained a vital passenger and freight route for the New Haven, with continuous passenger service even as most other lines in the region gradually had passenger service discontinued from the 1920s onward.


North and West Branch Railroad

In addition to the Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley, the Penn-sylvania made one other addition to its mileage in the anthracite fields, in the purchase and completion of the “North and West Branch Railroad Company”, which had a charter to build a line from a connection with the Sunbury, Hazleton and Wilkesbarre (PRR) at Catawissa Junction, east along the Susquehanna to Wilkes-Barre. This company had been organized in 1872, and its line partly constructed.

Northern Central Railway

The Northern Central Railway (NCRY) was a Class I Railroad connecting Baltimore, Maryland with Sunbury, Pennsylvania, along the Susquehanna River. Completed in 1858, the line came under the control of the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) in 1861, when the PRR acquired a controlling interest in the Northern Central's stock to compete with the rival Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (B&O).

Northern Indiana

The Northern Indiana Railroad Company, not to be confused with a later company of the same name, began with a charter for The Buffalo and Mississippi Railroad Company.  The BMR Company was chartered to run from the navigable water at the west end of Lake Erie (head of Maumee Bay) to the navigable water below the rapids of the Illinois River (Ottawa, Illinois).  In 1837 the Indiana Legislature amended the original act, renaming the company Northern Indiana Railroad Company.

Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad

The Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad was chartered in Ohio on February 24 and in Pennsylvania on April 11, 1848, to build from Allegheny City (annexed by Pittsburgh in 1907) west to Crestline, Ohio, on the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad. It was organized on June 15 with William Robinson Jr. as president,[1] and construction began on July 4, 1849. The first section, from Allegheny City west to New Brighton, opened July 30, 1851.

Peoria, Oquawka and Burlington RR

Early in 1864, the Peoria and Oquawka Railroad had been changed to the Peoria and Burlington Railroad (March 8, 1864). Its construction had been completed (March 17, 1855) and it was operated under lease until June 24, 1864, when it became the property of Burlington, and on that date, by legislative act, the name of the road was changed from Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail Road Company to Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, under which the “Articles of Consolidations” became effective.

Pere Marquette RR

The Pere Marquette Railroad was incorporated on November 1, 1899, in anticipation of a merger of three Michigan-based railroad companies[1] that had been agreed upon by all parties. It began operations on January 1, 1900, absorbing the following companies:

Peru and Indianapolis RR

The Peru & Indianapolis was incorporated January 19, 1846, to connect Indianapolis with the Wabash and Erie Canal at Peru. Construction began at Indianapolis in 1849 and service began over 21.42 miles of line to Noblesville on March 12, 1851. At the request of the Noblesville merchants, the railroad was built in 8th street to reduce the drayage cost for local freight. As the railroad built north it stimulated the location of new towns like Buena Vista, renamed Atlanta in 1881.

Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad

The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad (PW&B) was an American railroad that operated from 1836 to 1881. Formed as a result of the merger of four small lines dating from the earliest days of American railroading in the late 1820s and early 1830s, it was purchased by the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) in 1881, becoming part of their main line in 1902.

Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway

The Pennsylvania Railroad had a total investment of $5,633,000 in the three companies, decided to consolidate the Panhandle, the Steubenville and Indiana and the Holliday’s Cove Rail Road into one company with a line from Pittsburgh to Columbus, a distance of 193 miles. It caused The Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway Company to be organized on May 14, 1868, and the three predecessor companies were thus consolidated. The new consolidated company continued to be known colloquially as the “Panhandle”, by which name it and its successors will hereafter be frequently referred to.

Red River Valley Railway

On July 2, 1887, Premier John Norquay, assisted by the Mayor of Winnipeg, turned over the first sod of the Red River Valley Railway. Construction began in earnest on July 13, the intention being to have the line travelling southward from Winnipeg to the International Boundary completed by September 1 of that year. On September 4, 1888, the Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Company became incorporated by the Province of Manitoba, to take over, complete and operate the Red River Valley Railway.

Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati RR

The Sandusky City & Indiana Railroad Company, which was chartered February 28, 1851, built a road from Tiffin to Sandusky, via Clyde, and as this route was deemed more favorable than that via Bellevue, the Sandusky City & Indiana Company leased the road to the Mad River & Lake Erie Company for ninety-nine years, renewable perpetually, and has operated the road via Clyde, abandoning the other route.

St Louis, Alton and Terre Haute RR

The Terre Haute and Alton railroad built the first bridge over the Wabash  River in 1855.  The name changed to Terre Haute, Alton and St Louis Railroad in 1856 and changed again to St Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad in 1862.  This existed until at least 1876 and was acquired by the Vanderbilts in the  mid 1880's.

Syracuse, Binghamton and New York RR

The Syracuse, Binghamton and New York is a corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at New York, N. Y. While the present name of this company is that given above it was incorporated originally as the Syracuse and Southern Railroad Company, which was later changed to the present name of Syracuse, Binghamton and New York Railroad Company.

It is controlled by the Lackawanna through ownership of a majority of its outstanding capital stock. On the other hand, the records do not indicate that this company controls any common-carrier corporation.

Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw

Toledo, Peoria & WarsawThe Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Railway was chartered in 1863, and opened in 1868 from the state line at Indiana across Illinois to the Mississippi River at Warsaw. This line was reorganized as the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad in 1880 and leased to the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway.