April 22, 1873 Tuesday 

April 22 Tuesday  Sam’s letter dated Apr. 17 to David G. Croly, editor of the New York Daily Graphic ran in that paper [MTL 5: 343n1]. The headings Sam pointed to: “solemn peacefulness” and “general stagnation, the profound lethargy that broods over the land” included:

Wall Street Panicky; Two to Three Hundred Men Roasted Alive!; Incendiarism in a Baptist Flock; A TOWN IN A STATE OF GENERAL RIOT; The Modoc Massacre; A Father Killed by his Son [MTL 5: 342]. Note: (Sam cut the newspaper headlines from page 3 of the Hartford Evening Post for April 16, 1873.)

Sam wrote three times to Whitelaw Reid, who had suggested another notice.

“All right! You go ahead & give us that other notice. Bilious? I was more than bilious—I was scared. When a man starts out in a new role, the public always says he is a fool & won’t succeed. So I wanted to make every knife cut that could help us succeed, anyway.”

Sam firmly believed that if the Tribune said “it right” that “all the other papers will follow suit.” Sam was happy with the new notice, more than likely telegraphed by Reid, along with an invite to the Lotos Club [MTL 5: 351-4].

Bill paid to Sykes & Newton, Hartford chemists & druggists, for ½ dozen crates apple cider $4 [MTP]

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.