July 5, 1873 Saturday

July 5 Saturday  Sam enjoyed the last Floral Hall concert of the season at 2 PM. The Royal Italian Opera performed with Adelina Patti [MTNJ 1: 549n39].

Sam wrote a short acceptance note to Henry Lee to stop at the Whitefriars Club, but only for a half hour, as he had to take Livy to a concert [MTL 5: 398].

He also wrote from the Langham responding to Joaquin Miller’s plan to call on him on Tuesday, that he and Livy would be in the country that day for a 24 or 48-hour visit. Livy had received what Sam called “an inspiring note” from Mary Anne Hardy, wife to Thomas Duffus Hardy (1804-1878) (not of Tess fame) and they planned to visit early, “very soon after 8.” Sam added:

“Simply reading your penmanship has distorted my own handwriting out of all shape; & so if you can’t read this, remember, it is your own fault” [MTL 5: 398].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.