August 28 Thursday – Sam and party left Glasgow for Belfast, Ireland, experiencing a rough ferry boat ride where everyone except Sam got seasick. The family reached Belfast about 8 PM and took dinner with Francis Dalzell Finlay (1832?-1917), son-in-law to Alexander Russel [MTL 5: 432]. Finlay was the owner of The Northern Whig until 1875. According to his son, in a letter printed in the Oct. 1944 The Twainian, Finlay was “deeply interested in literature and was on intimate terms with all the prominent writers of his day, Dickens, Thackery, etc.” [6]. Sam cultivated the acquaintance of such men.
August 28, 1873 Thursday
2 January 2023
Entry Date
Aug 28, 1873 - Thu
Day By Day Acknowledgment
Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.