September 22, 1873 Monday 

September 22 Monday – Dr. John Brown wrote to Sam

My dear friend— Thanks for yours. By this time you will have got my letter & I hope the photos—do you remain some time in London? let me know where it is safest to write to you. I am glad you saw something of life in Salop—did you see St Mary’s Church in Shrewsbury? When are you thinking of crossing the sea? if I were 40 & not broken hearted, I would come with you. I may perhaps ask you to take some charge of a Collie which I hope to send to Professor Forsyth at West Point Academy. Baby will pull its ears & poke her fingers into its eyes, to pass the time on deck— I am glad you have so much good to tell of her & her Mother & the lealhearted Miss Spaulding—you will tell me if you got my Shelbourne letter. Isabella & “Jock” send their best regards / Yrs. (all) affectly / J. Brown /I sent my letter & the Photos to the Care of Routledge & Sons / [MTPO].

September 22 and 25 Thursday – Sam wrote from London to Dr. John Brown, thanking him for the photographs taken while in Edinburgh and for his many kindnesses during their visit. Sam wrote of his shock at the financial panic in America and of his continued plan to sail on Oct. 25 (they actually left four days earlier). Sam’s bank had suspended payments in the face of a run on deposits and would not issue more until January; Sam did not sleep well [MTL 5: 439].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.