December 11, 1873 Thursday 

December 11 Thursday  Sam’s humorous letter to the London Morning Post was printed [MTL 5: 503]. Sam wrote the preface for the English release of The Gilded Age [MTL 6: 5-6]. In the evening Sam gave his “Roughing It on the Silver Frontier” lecture at the Queen’s Concert Rooms, London [MTPO].

Sam wrote from London to Livy of more thick fog and burning gaslight all day. He enclosed a note of thanks from George Smalley for the tickets and his wife’s and Conway’s enjoyment at the lecture [MTL 5: 506]. Sam started another letter to Livy, which he finished the next day [508].

In Hartford a bill was paid to Hartford City Gas Light Co. for $11.69 [MTP].

The earliest copies of The Gilded Age arrived from the bindery [Hirst, “A Note on the Text” Oxford edition, 1996].

John R. Vine, secretary for the Lord Mayor of London, wrote to Sam.

Dear Sir. /The Lord Mayor desires me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday with thanks.

Whilst regretting that the dinner will not be enlivened with your presence, His Lordship sincerely hopes you will not fail to put in an appearance at the finale, when his welcome will be none the less hearty.

Should any other dinner be given here before you leave England, His Lordship will again request the honor of your acceptance of his hospitality & he trusts that timely notice of it will enable you to make arrangements for being present. / I am, / Dear Sir / yours faithfully / Jno. R. S. Vine / Private Secy / [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.