March 7, 1876 Tuesday 

March 7 Tuesday  Sam wrote from Hartford to William Wright (Dan De Quille), beating him up some for waiting Mackey’s advice while the “California” stock rose from 81 to 92 dollars a share. Sam insisted Dan telegraph him; that he liked “that sort of expense, for it saves money.”

Sam had been to see Elisha Bliss the day before. He noted seeing a lot of Dan’s sketches “floating around in the newspapers,” and complimented him on “not wasting words.” Sam ended with “Lovely spring weather here” [MTLE 1: 28].

In Cambridge, Mass., Howells wrote to Sam, announcing his telegram received, and that he and his son expected to leave Boston at 3 o’clock Saturday, reaching Hartford at 7 [MTHL 1: 126]. Note: This source shows this note as Mar. 6 or 7; the MTP online listing shows it as Mar. 6 and 7, less likely for a two-line note.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.