March 11, 1876 Saturday 

March 11 Saturday – William Dean Howells and son John Howells arrived at the Clemenses for an overnight stay [MTHL 1: 127n1].

Moncure Conway sailed for England with Tom Sawyer MS in hand [Norton 31].

William A. Seaver wrote to Sam:

Fiend! / You probably remember Gilman: he was one of our dinner friends at the feed to the Bishops. His wife is one of the best men I know in New York—full of fun and feeling, —and anxious to do something for the country. My advice is that you conciliate her. She’s a power. Don’t make an ass of yourself by refusing. Mrs. Gen. Cullum, whos name is signed to the “circ.” Is a granddaughter of Alick Hamilton (You remember Alick? Sec. of Treas under Wash.) Hope you’ll come ‘cause then I can have a shot at you. / Truly yours, / Aristophanes Bird [MTP]. Note: General George Washington Cullum (1809-1892). He married the widow of General Hallock.

Edward Cenley wrote from Cincinnati to Sam, relating the Eschol Sellers controversy and wishing “to get at the facts in…the matter” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “From an ass”. Again, this label was the one Sam often gave to those inquiring into the inside story of his works or characters. He clearly thought such inquiries were impudent and intrusive, no one’s business but his own.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.