May 2, 1876 Tuesday 

May 2 Tuesday – Augustin Daly wrote from NYC: “Why don’t you come down here & play ‘Peter Spyk’ some Saturday night for one of my ‘Benefit’ occasions. / Would you— Will you—?—” [MTPO].

Moncure Conway wrote a postcard from Boston to Clemens about the release of TS.

April 18.— Just recd yr telegram announcing delay on yr side until Fall. All right. We shall come out here just so soon as we can get hold of the electroes of pictures which we are anxiously expecting. They wd naturally have been sent after my first long letter to you.— I am consulting people that know to find if any way is discoverable for protecting that other thing (Sellers), & shall let you know.— I am reading yr proof with care.— Good argument drawn up in black and white adapted to all prospects & contingencies. We shall do our best.— Shall notify you when pictures arrive.— Everybody here frantic with curiosity, and threatening a mob if there be any delay.— Conway [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.