May 8, 1876 Monday 

May 8 Monday – Sam invited the Howellses and the Aldriches to join the Clemenses and Joe Twichell to share his box for Anna Dickinson’s “disastrous performance” of A Crown of Thorns, or Ann Boyleyn in Boston [MTHL 1: 134]. Neither Livy nor Twichell made the trip, the latter canceling due to arriving house guests, Dean and Sarah Sage. It is not known if the other wives attended [MTPO].

Howells wrote Augustin Daly the day after: “It was sorrowfully bad, the acting, and the heaps of cut flowers for the funeral only made the gloom heavier” [137n1]. Note: Reviews were bad in Boston, mixed in N.Y.

Maurice Weidenthal for the Davenport Club, Cleveland, Ohio wrote to honor Clemens with membership in their club, and to ask for a photograph [MTP].

Joe Twichell wrote: “Dean and Sarah [Sage] are coming tomorrow and to our house. As they will arrive quite early …(coming by boat) and as Sarah is sick, and as Harmony is in such a plight, I must give up going to Boston with you” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.