June 14, 1876 Wednesday 

June 14 Wednesday  Sam wrote from Hartford to “Miss Harriet” responding to an autograph request. Even in a knock-off line, Sam could be hilariously brilliant:

“I am a long time answering your letter, my dear Miss Harriet, but then you must remember that it is an equally long time since I received it—so that makes us even, & nobody to blame on either side” [MTLE 1: 69].

Sam also sent a check and note to his Hartford attorney, Charles E. Perkins; letter not extant but referred to in the acknowledgment of June 17. See entry.

Gilbert Holland Stewart, Sr.  (1847-1912) attorney in Columbus, Ohio wrote:

Sir: / I trust you will pardon an entire stranger for intruding upon your attention but I cannot send you the enclosed paper without an explanation.

      I am the fortunate possessor of a copy of your book called “Roughing It” in my library; and having within a year moved into a new neighborhood, have had the privilege of loaning the most of my books to my neighbors. Among others I loaned “Roughing It” and in due course of time it was returned. I may here state that I am living in a portion of the city which is mostly inhabited by Quakers. Last Sunday was the first time I had looked at the book since it had been returned, and I opened it to the find upon the fly leaf the enclosed commentary upon the book. Knowing that as an author you would appreciate honest criticism upon your writings I tore out the fly leave and take the liberty of herewith presenting it to you. The names signed to it are those of the principal Quakers in my neighborhood, who are doubtless very much concerned for my welfare, since reading “those lies.” Again hoping that you will pardon me for thus addressing you / I remain / Yours / Gilbert H. Stewart

P.S. Supposing that up to this time the fly leaf is mine you have my full permission to print it in any future edition of “Roughing It” among the recommendations [MTP]. Note: the fly leaf: “Columbus Marek. 30th. 1876 Dear Lord deliver the reader of this work from sining against thee and reading those lies writen in this Book / Samuel Jones /Joseph Miller / John Watson / Samuel Williams / William Fagg”. The date of Mar. 30 and the names all written in the same hand suggest an April Fool’s joke—which Stewart seems oblivious to.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.