December 14, 1876 Thursday 

December 14 Thursday  Sam acted as auctioneer at the Union’s Fair in Hartford.  

“The Sale of the Jabberwocks”

The remarkable collection of subterranean creatures, known as the Jabberwocks, now on exhibition at the Union’s fair, are to be sold at auction this evening by Mark Twain as auctioneer. They were found underground and recognized almost by accident, it must have been, at first, but now that their identity is made known, they are evidently what they are. Mr. Clemens will explain the history of the “Beamish Boy Galumping Home,” afford an opportunity to secure the “Momerath Outgrubing,” and the “Slithy Tove upon a Tumtum Tree,” and suggest points in the biography of the “Freemious Bandersnatch,” and so forth. The Mud March Hare and the Mock Turtle that wept to think it was not a real turtle may also be had for a price. — Hartford Courant, December 14, 1876 [Schmidt].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.