September 19, 1877 Wednesday 

September 19 Wednesday  From Hartford, Sam wrote a letter to the editor of the Hartford Courant, which ran on page 2 on Sept. 20 as, “A Tramp of the Sea.” Sam threw some light upon the mystery of a “schooner with a black crew of thirteen and only one white man,” (the Jonas Smith)On return from Bermuda Sam’s ship had come in contact with the mystery vessel [MTLE 2: 154-7]. (See listings of May 24-5, 1877.)

Sam also wrote to Howells, pasting an obituary in the middle of his text for Mary Langdon (1790-1877), who died Sept. 12. No, he had not written the obit, Sam answered, but she was a relative. Sam wanted to talk to Howells about the story of the runaway horse and John T. Lewis’ heroism when Howells came for a planned visit.

“Delicacy—a sad, sad false delicacy—robs literature of the two best things among its belongings: Family-circle narratives & obscene stories.”

Sam also wrote of the adventure at sea returning from Bermuda that left out of his articles for the Atlantic, and that “the press dispatches bring the sequel to-day, & now there’s plenty to it.”

A sailless, mastless, chartless, compassless, grubless old condemned tub that has been drifting helpless about the ocean for 4 months & a half, begging bread & water like any other tramp, flying a signal of distress permanently, & with 13 innocent, marveling, chuckle-headed Bermuda niggers on board, taking a Pleasure Excursion! Our ship fed the poor devils on the 25 of last May, far out at sea & left them to bullyrag their way to New York—& now they ain’t as near New York as they were then by 250 miles! They have drifted south & west 750 miles & are still drifting south in the relentless Gulf Stream! What a delicious magazine chapter it would make—but I had to deny myself. I had to come right out in the papers at once, with my details…[MTLE 2: 159].

Dr. John Brown wrote a friendly letter of goings on and thoughts, some of which are illegible due to overwriting and leak-through. Enclosed is a letter from George Barclay, mentioned by name here [MTP].

George Barclay wrote a letter of fan appreciation from N.B. to Sam, enclosed in above [MTP].

Editor Note
“SLC to Ed., Hartford Courant, Hartford, Conn. (UCCL 01481).” In <i>Mark Twain's Letters, 1876–80.</i> Edited by Michael B. Frank and Harriet Elinor Smith. Mark Twain Project Online. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. 2002, 2007. <;style=letter;brand=mtp>, accessed 2023-01-17.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.