July 2, 1884 Wednesday 

July 2 Wednesday – Sam wrote from Elmira to Charles Webster, asking about illustrations not returned with the 1002d Arabian Night tale [MTP]. Note: The 131 pictures, called “grotesque drawings of his own composition” [MTS&B 88] were lost and have never been recovered.

In Boston, Howells wrote to Sam, saying it was all right about the $2,000 payment, that now he had money, but when he asked he was buying a house and his railroad stock had fallen thirteen points. About Sam’s struggles with the HF proofs he wrote:

“Why need you read the Huck Finn proofs? I went over the printed copy so carefully that a good office reading was all that was necessary. If I’d supposed they [Webster & Co] were going to send them to you I would have read them again myself” [MTHL 2: 495].

Ellen C. Taft, now a widow, wrote to Sam upset about the New York Times article on her late husband:

We as a family have had our feelings so hurt by an article in the Times, purporting to be a kindly notice of Dr Taft, that I want you, who knew, loved and appreciated him to write something which will be as pleasant to us to read as the one I allude to was unpleasant. You knew his tender gentle ways in a sick room, the courage he gave his patients to live, as well as the skill that supported the courage, the blessed cleanliness of his person, and of his attire—How the little children loved him, and how he returned this love. All these traits give so much…Isn’t it strange that the world goes on just the same and he out of it—where? [MTP].

James B. Pond wrote to Clemens that Cable made no answer to his proposition and suggested John Henry Riley who was very popular in Indianapolis [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Suggests Riley. Told him I would have nobody but Cable—or the thing was ‘off’”

Hugo Erichsen in Detroit, Mich. again sent the same printed request to Clemens & wrote “PS please answer soon” [MTP]. Note: sent before on June 13.

Charles Webster wrote business matters to Clemens [MTP].

July 210 Thursday – Sam wrote in his July 10 letter to the widow Taft, that he’d been:

“…almost daily in the dentist’s hands during the past seven or eight days” [see July 10, July 18 entries].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.