January 9, 1886 Saturday

January 9 Saturday – The Clemens children were rehearsing for their performance of the P&P play. Sam wanted to see Clara’s part, the Lady Jane Grey, given more lines in her scene with the Pauper, played by Margaret (Daisy) Warner. From Daisy’s diary (with her charming spellings):

Saturday forenoon when we were rehersing for the next Wednesday’s performance, Mr. Clemens went up to his billiard room and wrote this adition to our Lady Jane Grey scene which was so very short before, it being only that which is in the book. Then Mama [Lilly Warner] sat right down and coppied it off from Mr. Clemen’s, when he brought it down stairs. Then I took it home, learned my part and went over in the evening and rehersed it [Salsbury 216].

Henry M. Alexander for Alexander & Green wrote to Sam, “the balance on deposit to the credit of Webster & Co., to day is a little over One hundred and eighty thousand dollars. No debts except the notes” [MTP].

Charles Webster wrote he’d been “confined to bed three days” unable to do any business, but was “just got to the office for the first time.” He verified $180,000 in the bank and ordered the Mount Morris Bank to pay $50,000 on the notes as soon as possible, not liking to have so much cash on hand. [MTP]. Note: $100,000 was owed, but Mrs. Grant’s share of $250,000 was due “within six weeks.”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.