August 10, 1886 Tuesday

August 10 Tuesday – Sam’s notebook recorded a score of 38 to 16 for C. against T.W. (Clemens vs. Theodore W. Crane). This is listed as perhaps a “popular parlor game during summers at Quarry Farm” [MTNJ 3: 229].

His notebook also contains an observation with this date about the New York Tribune’s Mergenthaler Linotype machine:

All is set with brand-new matrices, every projection & hair-line clean-cut & handsome. Bran-new dress. For the first time, the alignment is good — almost good enough for book-work (except 4 or 5 first lines). Now let’s see how long the letters will remain perfect & the alignment good [MTNJ 3: 247].

Beech Creek RR per George F. Baer sent Sam a form letter about the purchase of the company. Sam was entitled to receive for 148 shares of common stock, $7,400; for 52 shares preferred, $2,600; and for 10 Coupon Bonds, $10,000 — amounts to be paid upon surrender of the stock certificates. The company had been purchased [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.