October 11, 1890 Saturday

October 11 Saturday – In Hartford Franklin G. Whitmore wrote for Sam to Albert S. Towle, whose letter had been enclosed in Hall’s Oct. 7 letter. Permission was granted for Towle to use three sketches in a work being prepared [MTP].

Daniel Frohman applied to the courts for protection in performing his own version (Abby Sage Richardson’s) of P&P as long as he paid Edward H. House a royalty [Brooklyn Eagle, Oct. 12, 1890 p.3].

John A. Cockerill for the N.Y. Press Club wrote to Sam asking him to lecture for the Press Club Building Fund. Sam wrote “Answer Cockerill doubtfully” on the envelope [MTP].

Alice Kingsbury wrote from Waterbury, Conn. asking if Sam and George W. Cable would speak at some event. [MTP]. Note: handwriting is awful; could not make out more. ‡ See Addenda.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.