April 29, 1892 Friday

April 29 Friday – At the Hotel Molaro in Rome, Susy Clemens wrote again to Louise Brownell.

Aunt Sue and I got back from Naples last night. We had a great deal of rain and accomplished only Pompei and Sorrento having to give up Capri and Amalfi. The blue of the Mediterraneon was much more than we had dreamed; but the squalor the sordidness of the Italian life along it’s shores is so revolting, that it left half the impression. I never saw such bad disgusting faces as the Italians have or such a perfectly uniform degradation as in all their ways of doing and living. It’s truly horrible. I don’t see how Italy can ever have any very great charm while the people are what they are. I keep contrasting them with the Germans, the clean, honest, kindly, dignified, self respecting Germans! [Cotton 101139]. Note: postmarked this date.

Susy’s letter of ca. Apr. 20 to Louise Brownell was postmarked Apr.29. 

The Clemens party left Rome and arrived in Florence, Italy for a two-week stay. Sam’s notebook: “Saturday, Apl. 30 came from Rome to Florence yesterday [Apr. 29]” [NB 31 TS 39A].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.