June 19, 1892 Sunday

June 19 SundayEn route to New York City on the Havel, Sam wrote to an unidentified “captain” on North German Lloyd letterhead, giving us a clue into his activities during the voyage:

My Dear Captain:

You cannot imagine what a charming ship it is, nor how much satisfaction one can get out of a stateroom like this. I have enjoyed every hour of these six days [five days to be exact, so far], & have done a good deal more literary work than I should have done on shore. It is a great pity you didn’t come along & help me fill up these berths….

I am expecting to start back July 16 in the Kaiser Wilhelm II, & then we must have another orgy at the Schmitz [MTP]. Note: though unidentified, the gentleman was most likely in Germany. Sam would actually leave the US earlier, on July 5.

Sam also wrote another glowing letter on North German Lloyd letterhead about the Havel to an unidentified “doctor” in Bremen:

My Dear Doctor:

When you make a sea voyage, make it in “the Havel.” This is the delightfulest ship I was ever in. One can write in her as comfortably as he can at home. I have entertained myself first rate with witing an article about this & other vessels which I have voyaged in, & if I were going to write a book I think I would try to get my family’s leave to take a room in the Havel & ferry back & forth till the book was finished. I will give that idea to some bachelor author. He will find it worth his while to try it.

I expect to start back in the Kaiser William II the 16th of July, & shall hope to see you in Bremen & thank you for the many kindnesses & courtesies you showed me. / Sincerely Yours/ SL Clemens [Guide Through North and Central America with the Compliments of the North-German Lloyd Bremen].

Note: Sam sailed from N.Y. on July 5 on the SS Lahn. Paine has him working on the article “About All Kinds of Ships” during that trip, but this letter shows he at least began it here, on the Havel. The article itself does not mention the Lahn, and has a second section about Noah’s Ark. Paine likely did not have access to this letter.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.