October 14, 1892 Friday

October 14 Friday – In Florence Sam wrote a short, three-paragraph note to Clara Clemens in Berlin, directing her to ask William Phelps if she should need help having her trunks delivered. In another letter to A.S. Hogue (Vice-consul) this date, Sam disclosed that two trunks with clothes were lost, though he felt they “must be in Berlin.” He also reported the family’s health to Clara:

Mamma is looking first rate tonight — just as fine & young & handsome as she looked in Nauheim before those swellings came.

Madlle [Lançon] is not well, this evening — has an indigestion. Jean, too, is ailing — stomach ache. All the rest are well — & all love you, including / Papa [MTP].

Also in his letter to Mr. Hogue, Sam disclosed that he’d received the rest of the Tom Sawyer Abroad MS and also the “closing pages of the Twins” (PW). Sam had read and didn’t care for the Century article about the newly found Columbus portrait, which cast doubt on its authenticity. He closed by telling of Clara’s lost trunks [MTP]. On the Columbus matter, see his PS of Aug. 23 to Hall.

Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore about the disputed $1,744 bill to Pratt & Whitney. If there was a claim for refunding this amount, wouldn’t Sam be the recipient? Sam related all that surrounded that bill, which he’d refused to pay until Henry C. Robinson advised him to pay it. He closed with,

Tell Brer Robinson I’ve been having a picture taken for him. There’s only one copy, so he must preserve it [MTP].

Sam’s notebook in Florence:

Oct. 14. The “Curious Book” article makes 8,000 words, possibly 9. Something more than 10 Maga. Pages [NB 32 TS 31].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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