August 14, 1893 Monday

August 14 Monday – In Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany, Sam wrote William Walter Phelps and entered the fact in his notebook. The letter is not extant:

Aug. 14 Wrote Brer P. shall want him to sit down & talk early-history & let me make notes & ask questions there or in N.Y., I to sail 10 days hence if cholera news does not augment [NB 33 TS 25].

Sam also wrote to Frederick J. Hall, beginning a letter he finished on Aug. 16, and responding to Hall’s July 31 “the crisis has come” letter.

I am very glad indeed if you and Mr. Langdon are able to see any daylight ahead. To me none is visible. I strongly advise that every penny that comes in shall be applied to paying off debts. … We can pay a part of the debts owing to outsiders — none to the Clemenses….What I am mainly hoping for is to save my [literary] royalties. If they come into danger I hope you will cable me, so that I can come over and try to save them, for if they go I am a beggar.

I would sail to-day if I had anybody to take charge of my family and help them through the difficult journeys commanded by the doctors. I may be able to sail in ten days hence; I hope so, and expect so.

Sam also wrote that the LAL could never be resurrected, because it would require more borrowing and they could not do that [MTLTP 358-9]. Note: this source shows a second ending, beginning with “Yes, I got the £50 check…” which is judged to belong with Sam’s Aug. 6 letter, which otherwise lacks a signature.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.