September 30, 1893 Saturday

September 30 Saturday – In New York, Sam finished his Sept. 28 letter to Livy. He wrote he’d forgotten to mail his letters of Sept. 28 and 29.

By Jackson a body forgets pretty much everything, these days, except his visions of the poor-house [LLMT 276].

Sam also wrote to daughter Clara, still in Elmira. He had free time till next Tuesday (Oct. 3) and wanted to go to Elmira, but his good clothes had not arrived from Europe. He’d ordered a suit in New York but it wouldn’t be ready until Tuesday or Wednesday.

I had mighty pleasant times here with Uncle Charley & Ida & the Slees. I came near taking up quarters in that beautiful hotel the Waldorf, but I got nervously afraid I should meet too many people. I had a room engaged there, but gave it up & concluded to stay at Dr. Rice’s so as to have his company. However, the minute he left for Chicago I got lonesome; so lonesome that toward bedtime last night I couldn’t stand it; so I moved straight over here to the players Club & took a room. It is in the top of the house & deliciously quiet, & I’ve an electric light right over my pillow. I like it exceedingly.

Sam told Clara if she needed money to ask her aunt Sue and he’d pay her back when he came to Elmira, or send it to her. He confessed being “horribly homesick — not for any place, but for the family” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.