January 1894

January – Sam’s notebook lists several ideal subjects for his “Back Number” magazine, including Pepys’ Diary, Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography, Herodotus’ writings, and “John Johnson (Iceland) in old Littell. Susy Crane has it,” referring to “Jon Jonsson’s Saga: The Genuine Autobiography of a Modern Icelander” in Littell’s Living Age, 132; Thomas Moore and William Jerden’s Personal Reminiscences by Moore and Jerden (1875); he also hoped to “buy a set of Howells’s Autobiographies for the Back Number” [Gribben 540, 242, 310, 360, 483, 772; NB 33 TS 46-7]. Also in the notebook for this month: Can anybody furnish me the poem “In the days when we went gypsying, a long time ago?” referring to Edwin Ransford‘s poem; also a note to return Sir Philip Sidney’s book (not specified) to William Mackay Laffan [Gribben 569, 642; NB 33 TS 45 and 44].

The second of seven parts from PW ran in the January issue of Century Magazine. The third installment of Tom Sawyer Abroad appeared in the Jan. 1894 issue of St. Nicholas Magazine.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.