February 12, 1894 Monday

February 12 Monday – In New York Sam continued his Feb. 11 to Livy, which he finished on Feb. 13. He told of the Jan. 29 reception by the Kindergarten Association. See that entry for part of Sam’s letter.

Sam also responded on Players Club stationery to a request by James B. Pond (not extant): “the gods are against it,” he wrote; he’d sail for Europe three weeks from this day, or Monday, March 5 [MTP].

Sam’s notebook:

Feb. 12/94. Gave the originals of my Pool agreements with Mr. Rogers to Mr. Daniel Whitford, of Alexander & Green, 120 Broadway to be kept in the safe [NB 33 TS 55-6].

At noon a “furious snowstorm” began that raged into the night [Feb. 13 to Livy].

Sam dined at the Rogers home and played billiards with H.H. after dinner; no call came from J.M. Shoemaker (see Feb. 13 entry) so they played until 11 p.m. [to Livy, after 1 a.m. Feb. 13].

Stanford White wrote a one page invitation to Sam for “this coming Saturday evening a little dinner at the Players’ to Charley Hoyt (the writer of those American Classics — “A Hole in the Ground,” “A Brass Monkey,” “Trip to Chinatown,” etc. etc.). “Buffalo Bill is the only other celebrity besides yourself who will be present.” Sam wrote on the letter, “That signature is — guess! It is Stanford White” [MTP]. Note: Charles Hale Hoyt (1860-1900); see Gribben 337 for background on Hoyt.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.