February 24, 1894 Saturday

February 24 Saturday – In Fairhaven, Mass. Sam woke at 8:30 a.m. and breakfasted. Afterward he and H.H. Rogers went down to the Millicent Library.

…it was bitter cold — thermometer 5° below zero. He asked me if I would do him a favor. I said he couldn’t mention anything I wouldn’t attempt. The favor he wanted was that I should write a letter to put under the engraving of me which is to be hung up in the room dedicated to authors, & which is to be the first one hung there.

We all drove from the house at 3 p.m. — 9 altogether, for some of the guests left by the morning trains — & we got away for New York by the 3.40 train from New Bedford. We waited at Providence an hour for the express, & took dinner on board. By 9 oclock I was dead sleepy, but it soon passed off. We reached New York a little after 11, & I thought of going to the annual round-up of the University Club, for I had a speech in my mind which I very wanted to make; but as I wanted to write the letter Mr. Rogers had asked for, & must also prepare for Monday night’s public reading, I thought it would be best for me to go to bed — so I drove straight to the Players, & went to bed. Then came a telephone message to say that Depew & Choate & the others were on hand but the pow-wow would be held back until I should arrive. If I had my clothes on I would have gone, & gladly — but I hadn’t; so I sent my sorrow & regret. I was asleep by 1, & didn’t wake again till 10…[Feb. 25 to Livy].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.