April 1, 1894 Sunday

April 1 Sunday – The McClure Syndicate ran an “interview” with Sam made on Mar. 6, the night before he sailed on Mar. 7. Scharnhorst, Interviews 138-43 contains the complete text, which was called “Mark Twain Gone Abroad” in the St. Louis Republic, p.28; “Mark Twain and the Reporter,” Buffalo Express, p.9.; “Mark Twain Interviewed” in the Boston Daily Globe; and most accurately, “HE IS A PERFECT LIAR” in the Chicago Daily Tribune, p.38. It was also reprinted later in other newspapers. The reporter is not identified, and this “interview” was probably Sam’s April Fools’ joke, givien such a long gap between the supposed questioning and the printing, the date of publication, and the many biblical specific places (“Almonddiblathaim, Oboth, and other near points”), all of which point to a spoof.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.