April 10, 1894 Tuesday

April 10 Tuesday – Sam was en route to New York on the S.S. New York.

Meanwhile, Livy wrote to Sam from Paris:

My own darling: Three days since you sailed away from us. I have been so desperately sorry that I did not get a dispatch or something to you, but I love you just as tenderly as if I had. …

Yesterday L’ Ambassador d’ Angleterri and the Marcheoness of Dufferin (sp) and Eva sent up their cards. Still another one owed to you, for I suppose if I had not been your wife they would not have called on me. Yesterday afternoon Mr. & Mrs. Lockwood called. He invited Susy and Clara to go with him and his wife to varnishing day at the salon. I was so glad for I was afraid they were going to have no opportunity to go. People are very kind.

Mr. Lockwood said that the day you called there he was scared stiff. He could not say one word, etc., etc. Clara asked why he felt so and he replied, “Oh just the having such a man in my studio.” I remarked that when he knew you better he would not feel so, for you were a mighty nice fellow. He said “if you will allow me to say so I have loved Mr. Clemens a long time” [The Twainian May-June 1978 p.2].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.